VIDI delivers and installs a production server for Daimler AG
Daimler AG as one of the leading premium car manufacturers worldwide relies on the video experts of VIDI GmbH, as in previous studio integration projects.
The aim was to replace the existing audio and video server in the Global Training Center (Studio 31) in Stuttgart-Vaihingen with a new, more powerful production server.
GrassValley's production server is the heart of the business
The scope of services provided to VIDI includes planning, delivery and implementation into the existing studio environment, as well as service support for the upcoming operating phase in the studio.
The experts at VIDI rely on a GrassValley production server as the core, which met the required performance requirements of Daimler AG, such as 12 channels of HD-SDI (In and Out), optionally expandable to UHD/4K and a minimum storage capacity of more than 12 TByte (>300 hours).
Simple operator guidance and optimal integration into the workflows for the production of high-quality studio and video productions of Daimler AG facilitate the daily work for the studio employees.